Pre-requisites and writing guidelines for the AF site.

So you want to become an AF writer or guest blogger. Great! AF is on a mission to feature at least one feminist voice from each of the 55 African countries. Here below, are the pre-requisites and writing guidelines for the AF site.

Objectives of AF:

AF is  a platform for multiple African feminist voices to come collectively in:

  • Deconstructing the myths about feminism by way of making a case through the experiences we encounter on an every day basis;
  • Analyzing current issues on the continent through a feminist lens;
  • Encouraging readers and whomever else the message reaches to reflect on feminist issues;
  • Increasing the visibility and voice of African feminists;
  • Become a platform for a pan-African feminisms

Guest Submission Guidelines

  • Entry should not be any longer than a 1000 words maximum
  • Entry stirs a debate on the topic of gender, women’s rights, feminist issues in Africa
  • Introduces new concepts, insights, practices, etc
  • Entry can be an opinion piece or personal experience/encounter around the above stated theme.
  • Submit at least two images (photos) related to your post
  • Provide a short bio of no longer than 100  words describing who you are and why feminism.

Guest posts are subject to review by the AF editorial team. Please email submissions to

Becoming a permanent AF Writer

If you would like to join the core team of writers at AF, email us at  stating why with at least two samples of your feminist writing. We would love to hear from you on what pulls you to us as we grow the pan-African feminists family.