Domestic workers work in the sphere of our private lives where they perform essential care work, in conditions that are mostly unregulated and hidden from public view. This raises the risks of…
Of late, I have been thinking a lot about how we – ‘civil society club’ can speed up “walking the talk”– working with communities towards just, sustainable, and equal society. Most of…
Atim, mother of 6-year-old sexual abuse survivor “When I discovered my daughter had been sexually assaulted, I rushed her to the hospital where they found medical evidence of sexual penetration. She was…
Whenever one speaks up, whether it is immediately after the abuse or years later, the first question a survivor of violence faces is “did you report it?” or “Why did you not…
For the longest time, I thought of rest as a luxury, a reward you only get after completing your work, like winning a prize. Growing up in a heavily patriarchal society, my…
There is nothing more difficult than losing a child. There is nothing worse than losing our children as a result of treachery, ignorance, crime and short-sightedness, and this is what is happening…
A couple of days back, reports covered by Eye Radio emerged about police in Bor, South Sudan harassing young women and girls for their choice of outfits, particularly wearing pants and “short”…
Kuperekwa is a ceremony conducted when a woman is formally taken to her husband’s family homestead after marriage. It is the final ritual in the marriage process. It is commonly practiced in…
It is without a doubt that if Winnie Madikizela Mandela would have been a man, so much grace and heroism would have been attributed to her personhood and her legacy purified for…