On February 20, late evening, my WhatsApp buzzed. It was news of another arrest. Sheena Bagaine, a student at Uganda Christian University was held and police were refusing to release her on…
The aftermath of Dr. Stella Nyanzi’s irresistible poem speaking to power directly activated an intense slew of fragile masculinities collapsing, patriarchs calling for her arrest and the said arrest was eventually executed.…
“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson. Conflict is one of the biggest challenges facing the African continent, fuelled by inequality, poverty, unemployment,…
What does liberation look like if it doesn’t come with structural change? This is a question that many of us with election cycles coming up need to ask ourselves, especially before throwing…
My introduction to Toni Morrison’s body of work came at a much later stage in my life, I read her a fully formed adult. Reading her, the language she used, very familiar…
“I was never taught absolute silence. I was taught that it was important to speak but to talk a talk that was in itself silence.” – bell hooks, Talking Back In my…
It was 2014 when as I worked in my village of Mundri that I found out women there were not allowed to eat eggs and chicken. However, not all had obliged to…
Last week I quietly and quickly read through text correspondence as concerned women in a WhatsApp network I belong to mobilized to support a 55-year old woman who was brutally gang-raped by 15…
The pastor is young, wears well-fitting suits, a gold-coated neck chain, big flashy watch, pointed shiny shoes and has a bit of an American accent when he takes to the pulpit. He…
I first cast a vote in the Uganda presidential elections in 2016. That is not happening again. That exercise and what followed, made me realise elections in this country are a ceremony…